Me (F 22) and my girlfriend have been together for 1 year and she just discovered that I vape. She wont let me vape without her permission. Is this wrong?
How can she stop you?
Of course, what she's really telling you is that it's a disgusting habit and she doesn't want you to do it AT ALL. You should listen to her. Vapers are more obnoxious than smokers, from what I've seen.
You get to make choices WHAT to do with your body . . . Just as she does.
She can choose NOT to be around you when you do it as well . . . So weigh the cost of "Looking Cool".
If she's acting like this and she's only your girlfriend, what will she do if you decide to marry? She sounds way too controlling...I'd rething this relationship before it went any further.
What if it was a boyfriend? We would be telling you he is a control freak and watch out! Why does it make any difference that she is a girl? Get out of the relationship unless she is some sort of doctor and is actually telling you NOT to because it will jeopardise your own personal health.... But you said permission so....... I doubt she is a Dr.
I can't stand vaping, people look like dragons walking along the street, they vanish into a cloud of vapour that you cannot dodge if passing them, and the things stink. I'm surprised there haven't been car crashes due to people smoking those things, they fill the car with vapour when the person breathes it out.
If she cannot stand vaping then she'd be better to just admit it and decide whether she wants to be with you or not, because it still emits toxic chemicals. Other than that if she is a control freak then you are better off out of the relationship.