I'm open to change as long as it doesn't interfere with my 2:00 PM nap.
I can do both, it depends on what is changing.
That would depend on whether I feel it is for the better or for the worse.
I can go with the flow as long as I think it's good.
Change can be positive or negative. In my personal life I find there are voluntary changes and changes that are forced on you and are totally beyond your control. Most changes give me time to view and analyze the effects of said change. If I find the change a positive one I encourge and usher it in. If it is a negative but required change I may forstall and delay it as long as possible.
It depends on the change. Most of it is fine as it is a big part of life. Honestly, how boring would our lives be if we never had any change? But huge changes in a short period of time can be unnerving.
Sometimes change is good. When I was working, and management wanted to make changes, none of us usually agreed. But in the end, most times it made things better.
Change is the nucleus of success.
I'm not naturally enthusiastic about most changes. I usually need time to warm up to the idea.
I remember reading a comment by an 80 year woman who had lived through 4 changes in the occupation forces of her island over her life time.
When asked how she managed during the various occupations, her response was, "Welcome change."