If the members of Blurt were to get together for a social outing . . . Other then the consumption of Beer (or poison of choice) and Pizza, what other activities do you think we would enjoy together?


10 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Naked Twister comes to mind.

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
McDonald's called and asked if I could grease her out of their premises..... apparently she went in for a burger and never left. So I got out my bucket of Crisco and went slathering...... oh the things we do for our friends! She is home safe but in no mood to play naked twister. You are safe to take your clothes off my friend! Lol!
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
Cool!!! Consider it done.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Since Skip beat me to my answer.... LOL!

I will go with poetry reading and coffee sipping!!!!


Barbecuing and football!!!

Ohhhh how about a cooking class with Tiger and Dragonfly as the instructors!!!!!

Wait a minute! COOKING!??!??! And me!!!!!!

How about fire safty and "ways to lift heavy dead appliances with out destroying your back" lessons!!!! LOL!

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

As I tend to believe most of us are of the same generation, I'd say we could poke endless fun at these pitiful millennials...and why I won't be watching Hippy's twister game. But count me at Yin's table, where the BBQ is. I'll bring the best grilled Grouper anyone ever had. πŸ˜‰

Good to know with this crowd there would be little threat of powerdrinking or keg-stands, but I wonder who would be "The Lampshade" guy/girl.

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Sounds like a plan!!! ☺
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Lol! I am trying to figure out what "lamp shade guy" means..... πŸ€”
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
It's the one who dons the lampshade (or other housewares) for purposes of group amusement, because sobriety has fled.
Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Of course, we can't forget such a classic game such as Wack O Spammer! We'll even get a life size replica of Walter's Spammer Hammer!

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

I'd like a bon fire. Roast some marshmallows.  A cooler of drinks. Bring your tent, I have lots of rural property. Perhaps some dirty joke telling...you know all that stuff that you can't say on here.

Next day some fishing. Some swimming. Some sight seeing in the countryside.

It would be so wonderful to meet all of you. Bring your dogs, it would be so wonderful to meet them too.

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Does this tent have a flushing toilet with a lock on the door? Ah heck, I will just use the guest bathroom and come back out to tell a dirty joke! LOLOLOLOOLOL!
Otis Campbell Profile
Otis Campbell answered

I will bring the shine

hey cameron Profile
hey cameron answered

Anything sounds good as long as I don't have to stay at the kids' table :P

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
LOL! Don't worry Cameron! You wont be SITTING at the kids table.... we need a babysitter! Babysitters don't get to sit! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Just playing with you my friend. I couldn't resist. :0)

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