Ancient Hippy

Did you ever have a moment you were so embarrassed you wanted to disappear? Tell us about it.


10 Answers

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

I had to help serve dinner to a lot of donors at this function.  I'm only 15 never served before and was carrying a tray with gravy bowls to the tables.  At one of the tables a lady had her purse in the next chair, just as I was about to put a bowl on the table she bumped my tray.  A bowl of gravy fell into her purse. She was not a happy camper. I never got to serve again.

dragonfly forty-six Profile

I was 18 and working at a resort as a maid. I had to drive to different cabins and clean or straighten rooms if customers were staying more than one night. I went to this one cabin and knocked, no answer.  I also noticed that there was no sign saying Do Not Disturb, so I entered. In the room on every available surface was dress up clothes, all kinds of makes and models of personal vibrators, whips, chains, bondage paraphernalia, adult movies. Not only was I horrified, but I wondered how I was going to move things around to clean, dust, change sheets etc. Or if I even wanted too. I made the executive decision and thought no. But I thought I should leave towels. As I'm backing out with my maid cart, they came back. I look at them, they look at me, we all know what's in their room. They turn red, I'm red. We don't know what to say to each other. Would have maybe been okay if we just went our separate ways. But I guess in their embarrassment they weren't thinking, but they asked me if I wanted to come back when my shift was over, I politely declined. Of course because that happened, I ran into them multiple times during their stay. We never could look at each other in the eyes after that. I'm turning red at the thought, and I'm not even a prude. I just can't figure out how two people could have used that much stuff. We are talking about multiple suitcases of stuff. The only place I've ever seen that much stuff was in a s3x shoppe in Hollywood.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Most of my most embarrassing "want to crawl into a hole and never come out" moments were because of my children and their innocent observations..... And big mouths! Lol!

Growing up with my sister not much embarrassed me so this is kind of a difficult question to answer! Lol!

I guess mine would be....... When Yang and I first met he took me to meet his uncle who lived at a place which had a pool. We came with our bathing suits just in case the pool was opened. I didn't think anything of it cuz I always swim with a t shirt over anyways. To my surprise it was opened and at least five of us was going in. I got in my suit and realized I shaved my legs but was a little more "sasquashy" then I thought and I was horrified! I didn't dare tell Yang cuz that was too embarrassing! So I pulled Yang's sister aside and asked her on the down low if she brought a razor. She said "No but I can get one." I was happy until I heard Yang's uncle yell clear across the room to his wife "Hay Dear, can you get Yin a razor. She needs to shave her pubes!" I just about died from embarrassment! None of his family knew how sensitive I was and they are the complete opposite! Lol! He felt sooooooo bad and apologized over and over. I didn't want him to feel as bad as he did so for his birthday I bought him a razor and told him I forgave him. It became a special joke for the both of us everytime I saw him after. He would say "did you remember to bring your razor this time?" Or I would say "don't worry Uncle I brought my own razor." Lololololol!

Nice Girl Profile
Nice Girl answered

ive had some weight issues at school,you know on the day when we have a health checkup, yeah , that, i used to dread it and wished that somehow i disappeared!horrible experience!

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
I think that that is cruel to kids! This is just ONE of the reasons I will not have my kids in public school after this year. Public schools only care about dollar signs!
Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

When I was 12 it was my first year to go along with my father and his friends trout fishing in the northern part of PA. I was using minnows for bait. I would cast downstream and slowly reel in. One time I cast out, my fishing rod slipped out of my hand and flew downstream. I wasn't going to let the rod go so I'm trying to run down the middle of the stream chasing my fishing rod while all of the other fishermen are watching. Yep! I made Dad proud that day.

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

Bored and near closing time at a music store, I was playing Kool & the gang-celebration. I thought it would be entertaining since I was alone to sing a long but morph the lyrics to masterbation. 🎼🎢🎡🎡🎡 Looked around and I wasn't alone. Some guy was just starring at me in amusement. ~ full faced flush ~

Shady Stellar Profile
Shady Stellar answered

1. Few years ago, I took the last train back to my place around 1am coz I was so drunk. It takes about 15 mins to walk from the train station to my place. Once again, It was the last train so as soon as I got off the train, the station was closed. 5 mins walking to my place, I had a stomachache and I really needed to go to a toilet. There's no public toilet around, only dark houses around me and I don't know any of my neighbors. Was thinking to walk back to train station but I was 200% sure it was closed and locked but I really needed to go to a toilet and I really needed to do number 2 soon, I couldn't hold it anymore. So I decided to do the business in my new jeans I just bought a week ago. I put my hands on my knees, I bent my knees a bit, and that was how I did the business with my jeans on in the middle of the night and in the middle on the street. Then I continued walking like nothing was happened. Coz I was so concentrate doing the business, I just realized there was a man smoking outside watching the crime the whole time. After I got back, I just grabbed a huge plastic bag and I threw all my jeans and underwear inside, I wrote on the plastic bag "Poisoning". Till this day, every time I passed that street, I had a little smirk on my face. Only God and that man know why.

4 People thanked the writer.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Hay!............ You look very familiar! Do I know you from somewhere?!?!?!?! >:0)
Shady Stellar
Shady Stellar commented
Yeah we chatted here and there on blurtit! Glad to see you're here still!
Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

I was working in the music department at Woolworths  over the Christmas Period. I was getting fed up with the Christmas albums on re-run, so I put on another album, as we were allowed to play any albums in the top ten.Suddenly the first track came blasting out over the speakers as I was serving a young boy a Cadbury's Cream egg. He said "I don't think you can play this lady." I froze as the senior manager came running down the shop floor and dived for the stereo. I looked down in horror to see a tiny warning label in the left hand bottom  corner. How bad was it? This bad...

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

Years ago, I was working my way through college and one of the jobs I had was working in the kitchen of a popular bar/restaurant. I am not a chef, nor do I play one on TV. I did things like fix salads, make lasagna sauce, slice meat for sandwiches. One this particular night, my boss' teacher - who he had revered from afar - came in to his restaurant. He brought her order to us directly, hissing at us to get everything just right.

I was feeling a little out of my league, as I had only been working on the salads for a couple of days. Nonetheless, when it came time to making her salad, I was ready.  Without really watching what I was doing, I happened to grab the bowl that had the frilly toothpicks that we used to flag a certain dressing, heaped lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. On top of that, topped with the dressing and sent it on its way, not realizing what I had done.

Imagine her surprise when she stuck her fork in this salad and came up with lettuce and toothpicks. My boss was furious at me, apologetic with her and flew back to the kitchen, presumably to wring my neck. He dumped the salad out on my workstation so I could see what I had done. I wasn't fired, but he was not happy with me for a long time, even though I apologized profusely several times and offered to apologize to her as well.

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

There are some contenders:

1. Getting up in front of your class for a mini-play about American history and realizing you forgot your lines. You manage to remember one, and that gives people hope that you're not going to choke, but that was it. You can't remember anything else and have to run off "stage" in shame. Even thinking back on that now gets me embarrassed and that was 8 years ago.

2. There was also a time a couple years ago when I got these new skinny jeans. They were not quite the right size and kept falling down but I managed to pull them up before anything embarrassing could happen. Then later I was in class and noticed I was getting looks, not un-admiring looks, but looks. I felt that my pants had fallen down again and thought "oh well, my underwear is probably showing, not too bad" but then I realized, no, it was my bare bu*t (I have to censor the word "bu*t"? What is this, Sesame Street?) that was showing and people were feasting their eyes. I had gotten so used to the feeling of the pants falling down that I did not realize how exposed I really was. I turned so red in the face that it look a long time before my normal color was restored.

There are so many more I could go on all day. You think of something embarrassing, it's happened to me.

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