Bedroom. It's 6:10 in the morning and I'm contemplating brewing some coffee.
I'm in the den, with a cup of coffee, my phone and book. The sun is shinning today going to reach the 80's today. We had tornados and thunderstorms all day yesterday. We need the good weather to clean up another round coming tomorrow.:(
In the bedroom. Sitting on the bed using y computer and listening to the tv, and both of my dogs snoring.
No room. I'm sitting on the tailgate of my company truck eating lunch. Hoping the rain holds off enough to finish framing so we can set roof trusses tomorrow.
It's 8:25 a.m. CST and I am at work, in my pod, working on invoices to get them ready for payment. Outside, it is another rainy day; it's drizzling right now and temps should reach about 58 degrees. Not bad.
Living room
Dining room table. Just finished balancing and unbalancing my check book. If you do it enough times it always comes out in the black.
Court room.
in my apartment in my living room.
Sitting on the couch in the living room.
My office on the second floor.
It has a great view of some trees and the "Global" sign of the gas station next door . . . LOL. I keep the lights out because I like the natural light from the window.
Bed room