Dur Duric

How do I eliminate the negative influences of goetic demons that are causing illness?


4 Answers

Dumb Goat Profile
Dumb Goat answered

-Wash hands frequently (before eating, after using the bathroom, etc)

-Cover your sneeze

-Get vaccinations

-Keep your surroundings clean

-Avoid going to near to sick people, vice versa, avoid being too near to others when sick.

-Used alcohol based hand-sanitizer.

-Keep a healthy lifestyle

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered


Stop believing in them.

Scientific research has proven spells, curses, prayers, blessings, etc ... All are ineffective against people who don't believe in them.

And then ... go to a medical doctor.

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

Drink alcohol til you pass out.

Even demons don't like a hangover. They will quickly vacate.

Just kidding. I have no clue nor do I believe in such powers.

Michael Poland Profile
Michael Poland answered

Enjoy your demons.

Believe and Receive.

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