Yin And Yang

Have you ever gotten away with doing something you should have gotten caught for? What was it? If everyone answers anonymously we can have fun guessing who did what! Lol!


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Yep. I lied to my parents when I was 16 and went to Woodstock in '69. I told them much later in life and they were genuinely shocked.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

When I was in school I had a teacher that was allergic to bee stings. If a bee was in the classroom she would send everyone in the hall except for someone to chase the bee out the window. I volunteered the first time this happened and became the official bee chaser. After that, once in awhile I would catch a male carpenter bee, identifiable by a white spot on their head, and release it in class. So, everyone was out in the hall while I was in the classroom chasing a harmless bee out the window and wasting a good quarter to half hour of class time. I never told anyone and I suppose that's why I was never caught.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Okay . . . Here goes the confessional.

Once when I was 12, we had the biggest snowball battle on a "Snow Day" that I can remember. I had been carefully constructing the perfect Ice Ball within my fort (Hard outer shell of ice with soft snow middle), when all of a sudden everyone was being called in to get ready for dinner. Well I had this perfect instrument of Snowy destruction and no one to try it on. I took it in my hand and went to the parking lot of the Apartment building we lived at . . . There I spotted the only person visible . . . My mother who was walking with her back to me to her car. I figured "I won't hit her, just have the snowball land near her so as to startle her." . . . She was very far away off in the distance and I took aim at a tree she was passing . . . And launched the snowball . .  It sored through the air (streamlined from the icy outer shell no doubt) then my stomach sank as I realized,  that shot seemed to be lining up perfectly with my mother's figure . . . I hoped perhaps it might land very close, but as it bore down on her my hope changed to "Please hit her puffy winter coat" . . . FULL ON CRANIAL CONTACT . . Pitching her sprawling forward like those movies where a guy is shot point blank with a shotgun  . . . She flopped like she was making belly flopped snow angles and slid some 3-5 feet across the icy pavement . . . My mother was sitting up which meant she was "okay" . . So I bolted. She had recently taken to heart "Spare the ROD spoil the child" and I wasn't having it. I ran to our apartment, and changed out of my clothes and tried to put warm water on my face to reduce the redness of the cold outdoors, when she entered the apartment holding her head . . .  She looked at me and said "I think that no good Steven Brown hit me with a snowball . . . " . . . I was in the clear . . . A scape goat had taken the fall.

I did confess the transgression years later, AFTER I had moved out on my own . . .

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

After being at an all night wedding reception on the East coast I woke up in San Francisco sitting in an airport lounge without a penny in my pocket. I was dressed in a tux and I wound up panhandling for two days before I could manage enough money to call home for help. It took a week of wrangling and two visits to the local police station before a Western Union check could be issued so I could get a ticket to fly back. I flew back in a rather dingy tux. They almost did not allow me on the plane. An understanding ticket agent who knew my situation talked to the Captain and I was allowed to fly home.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I was high as a kite and some how passed a drug test given by two cops.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

So, I used to sneak out my brother's bedroom window at night and roam the town. My mother nailed our bedroom windows shut because my sister was always sneaking out, but she never suspected that I would find a way around that. Never got caught, but it probably wasn't a good idea to do that at night in a larger city.

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