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Would you be happier if you stayed unmarried?


8 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Yes, unchildren and unliving.

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Janis Haskell
Janis Haskell commented
Well, I for one am glad you're here! And every day is a new chance to begin something good. There's so much beauty in the world .... take a good look. xoxo
HelpStop AnimalAbuse
Well said Janis (I had to pop out for a couple of hours to rescue a donkey in a dam, filthy work) but my parents had a terrible loveless marriage. Always fighting swearing, infedilety on both sides. They got married then got divorced. Then re-married a second time then divorced a second time. Then married a third time then divorced a third time. Unbelievable! A terrible situation & example for poor children. I sweated I was never going to get married & end up like them. But we are going to get married this September at our local church. Jana wants all the bells & whistles & the guest list is going to be 300+.

A very expensive day but she is my princess & deserves to be treated accordingly. ❀️.
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
@The Z. Your words have made my sad heart heap with a πŸ€— and I thank you. I had tried always to be a blessing to those who paths I connect with, many hundreds hopefully yes. I'll just say THANK YOU...
Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

No, not at all.  I'm so grateful for the time I had with my late husband and for our wonderful daughter.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

No, I think my happiness is inspired by my marriage and family life.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Nope. Not close on this one.

If you had ever met, or even seen my wife, you'd understand.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

No. I am happy that I married my husband. It hasn't been all roses and sunshine, but nothing is life is. I am a better person for marrying him, and I think he feels the same way.

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HelpStop AnimalAbuse
Hi Gator! If you don't go through the bad times in life then you don't appreciate the good times. We are getting married this September after a lengthy engagement. There have been some difficulties with Jana's family. Both of us are absolutely soulmates & I can't wait to call her my wife. Of course with any marriage there will be good & not so good times but the tough times will make us stronger & bring us closer.
PJ Stein
PJ Stein commented
My husband and I became engaged in less than 3 months of knowing each other. Our engagement was over a year. It would have been longer but the Army was calling him back so we moved it up. I had two weeks to put everything together. That included buying my dress. After seeing all the stuff people go through planning elaborate weddings, I am glad it worked out the way it did.
Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Without him my life would not be complete. He completes me. He is my Yang to my Yin.  πŸ’‘ πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’Ÿβ€πŸ’˜

Nealious James Profile
Nealious James answered

there! Maybe, but you cannot really predict how things will be until you have
had a glimpse of it! Marriage is a big commitment and it certainly is not for
everyone. However, I do believe that it’s important to have someone to rely on
in life. Do not allow yourself to be alone for too long, it will just be sad!

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