No, I dance and sing in my shower.
Nope. My dancing is so bad that the food would run away in fear. Then I'd starve to death.
Lololololol! Too funny my friend! Dancing (something I'm good at) while cooking (something I'm horrible at!) I am having mixed feelings here! Lololololol! Usually the only dancing is the food dancing to get away! Lol!
Not very much ... I have a very tiny kitchen. I do sometimes dance while watching television if a good theme song comes on. :)
Yes, I do. Alone and with my hubby.
Sometimes, yes I do .. Depends on the tunes. If something good comes on the radio .. Yep, you bet .. I'm in there bust'n a move! .. Especially when my grandkids are over, they always join in.
Nope but I do headbang while I cook. But the last time I did, I burned my hair by accident.
Oh yeah:-D of course I don't do much of cooking. But sure I dance:-D
At my age, mostly I just lean against something in the kitchen until I'm finished.
Only when I MAKE/DO the Salsa!
I frequently sing - usually bits of "Bohemian Rhapsody".....
Yep I certainly do. I sometimes end up dancing with my mam either a waltz or a jive. It's good for you anyways!!
yes but than my kitchen always looks similar to this after im done dancing and cooking at the same time.
I don't really cook.....but I do dance in my kitchen while eating grapes for dinner....crushed grapes.... Wine.
I might dance if I am just waiting for something to come out of the oven. Even then I will dance in the living room. Me dancing around hot objects is just too risky.
Don't cook.
Yep :-)
It's too funny friend!! I like cooking and I do when I m hungry so I just enjoy making food in itself...ya sometimes sing songs..