Stuff ...... :/ I would tell you but it may be held against me in a court of law .. Oh and Chapstick
There isn't any gloves in there, but my vehicle registration, insurance card, owners manual, flashlight and bag of wintergreen lifesavers are.
The official glove box is too hard to get at across the truck from me, so it has very little in it. The glove box in the console is too hard to deal with getting open & closed, so it doesn't have anything but stuff I'd need in an emergency, which makes no sense at all, since in an emergency, I wouldn't want to deal with that hard-to-deal with truck console, but maybe in an emergency it would be worth it.
NAPKINS!!!!! Lots and lots of NAPKINS! Gas receipts with registration and car repair paper work.
Car manual, spare fuses and a Garmin.
Car is new so there's been no time to accumulate much rubbish. Never carried gloves in one, though.
No gloves. Just car info and an ink pen.
Proof of insurance and a tire pressure gauge.
(Operator's manual and servicce record are in the house in my office.)
Car info/documents, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, and a pack of condoms. You never know. ;)
i checked the glove box on my old truck. Was suprised to see shredded napkins, empty ketchup packets, parts of my present registration, and what's is left of a pack of saltine crackers! Looks like I had a mouse visitor. He, she, they had a little party and bedded down for a while, and left. Since we have mice that carry hantavirus in this part of the desert I'll be bleach spraying my glove box and then vacuuming up what left! Well, I hope they at least had fun!
I used to actually put gloves there but there's a glove filled with semen now. Uhh...Don't ask for context.