I prefer to figure it out myself, but to figure it out I may have to ask for help. I would rather figure it out as opposed to be given the answer.
I prefer to figure it out on my own. If I get terribly stuck, I will ask for help .
I'll give it my best shot at figuring it out for myself but I'll always ask for help if I need it.
I will try and figure things out first, if that doesn't work, despite all of my efforts, then I'll ask for help.
I don't mind a little problem solving, but I do believe in pooling our knowledge. If you have already worked out the bugs on something, I'd rather ask you for the information than re-invent the wheel myself. And I'm equally happy to share what has worked for me. (We can each add our own refinements, but it's a better starting place.)
Figure it out myself, but if I have a deadline, and I'm running out of time, then I'll ask for help.
Unless it's something dangerous, life threatening, or millions of dollars on the line. I'd like to crack at it a few times and learn things in the process. For other things, I'd ask an expert first.
I'll usually take a shot at figuring it out.
But I'm learning to seek help more quickly as I grow older.
Unless I'm learning a new skill that interests me, time and effort wise it is frequently more efficient to hire someone who does what I need done as a living and thus preserve both my effort and my time---from accounting to plumbing.
I still do my own thinking and reasoning though.
I prefer to figure out myself.
I'd rather figure it out by myself. I learn much better & faster teaching myself. Plus, I learn very quickly.
I prefer to do everything by myself first. So, if we can't solve this problem then we will ask for helping. But we surely that the trouble can't be solved by myself.
I don't made helping someone or asking for help. But I always like to work alone.