Why do you think it had anything to do with God/Atheism? It sounds to me like a person who looks into something he does not know, and finds that there are so many other things that cannot be explained. And every answer he gets brings more questions. A person with a love of science. And a person with a love of art, for he can perhaps feel the unknown and put it into a form using art.
There is a quotation from Albert Einstein I would love to hear everyone's comment on...and without intending to constrain anyone, ideally it would be wonderful to answer without entering into the question of God. v. atheism?
The quote is; "The most wonderful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science."
Also, I have not checked Quotebusters to confirm Einstein really did say this, but to me it does sound like something he would come up with...so, if you are inclined, I would love to hear your impression!
Science, particularly the science of the very large (mainly about gravity) that Einstein espoused, and the science of the very small (mainly from Niels Bohr) is far more engaging than any merely philosophical semi-religious consideration.
Einstein himself (an atheist) said (after translation and rationalisation) " I cannot believe that god plays dice with the universe"
He needed a deity to pronounce upon.
What a lovely quote! Thank you for posting it. I went searching and found the full text. (Yes, it's from Albert.)
The more we learn, the more we realize how much we don't know. I find this humbling and inspiring.
I completely agree with Einstein's second sentence of this quote:
"He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed."
In that quote I find my curiosity. Without it being piqued on a regular basis, I'd be very bored and unhappy. My curiosity is my drive.
Those who think they know everything,
are lost.
It's in the third paragraph from the bottom, Virginia:
And to pique the interest of all, here is a clause from the last sentence in that paragraph: " ....I belong in the ranks of devoutly religious."
According to what I have read and researched Einstein was not an atheist, he was more a Deiterist. He believed in the God of Spinoza, with the belief that God created the world and universe, but is only in nature, he does not interact with humans.