Stand close to a guy named Lenny ;) if he wears leather pants that helps ...if he takes them off that helps more ;)
Go find a cat.
I don't know but last year a girl threw up before her presentation and she got out of it (I'm assuming this is in reference to what you said on the chat.)
You've come to the right place. Email me a couple of hairs from your head. I'll make a voodoo doll with them and add it to our lunchtime curry. You'll have the mother of all fevers.
PS don't forget to enclose bitcoins to the value of $50.
Hit yourself in the head several times with a really big stick.
Just be honest with the person and tell who ever you DON'T want to do the presentation!
I would say to get a fever take super hot showers and drink hot water too
Lick all the door handles at you doctors surgery and the taps in the toilet. You might not get a fever, but you'll certainly catch something.
Many people believed this could work.