Everything! I am a night person. I love the sounds of night, the shadows, the creepiness. Things that seem innocuous become sinister. I love doing things at night much more than in the day. We have a lot of 24 hour places here. So, it's not unusual to find me grocery shopping, doing laundry, eating pancakes or hot dogs in downtown L.A. at 3:00am.
Solitude, quiet and the best thing...........no sun glare on my TV.
Ummmm ......not working :) I only work days :)
The smell of the night air and the stars. I like being a passenger in the car when it is night time. It is peaceful.
It's the only time of day I'm not sweating in the Summer (mostly)
Yes 90f today here in tx suppose to go down to 58 thats nice
The quietness, although I do have the Song Thrush and Robins singing their way through most of the night. This was one of the first things I became aware of when I first moved here, I thought "The birds do not sleep around here, they are night time revellers." I like watching the moon and stars, my partner and I often lay on the floor in the living room looking up out of the window.
Sunsets, stargazing, stillness, quiet, nice campfire on a cool evening.
Watching TV.
The sheer wonder of the night sky. I used to love it when I was a kid -- sat outside watching until I was made to come in and go to bed -- but it never lost its attraction to me. It's nature's own Rorschach test.
I like looking at the stars and the moon :)
I live in the woods next to a wetland and you can hear the frogs croaking. I love listening to them. Also I like the cooler temperatures, and the lack of "people" noises. No mowers, leaf blowers, car traffic lighter.
Saying a prayer.