Thrice Gotcha

how would you describe yourself in a single sentence?


8 Answers

Woof Woofy Profile
Woof Woofy answered

Remove stamens before using. Petals can be eaten, the bud steamed like anartichoke. Another famous edible flower, violets are floral, sweet, and beautiful as garnishes. Use the flowers in salads and to garnish desserts and drinks.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Since I am loathe to describe myself for lack of objectivity, I asked the Mrs to describe me in a sentence. "Holy (profanity) where can I start?" she replies, with troublingly more zeal than I would've expected. I implored her to keep it clean and one sentence. Inveterate woman shopper that Mrs Z is, she settled on 3; calling these my "possible epitaphs"..... Egad.  

In her words then, I am:

-An overgrown kid with more toys and free time than should be allowed.

-So relentless a skeptic, he had to fall twice to accept gravity.

-Too immodestly smart for anyone's good.

I can live with that. We won't get into what didn't make the cut.  šŸ˜

8 People thanked the writer.
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Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Zee, it took my breath away with delight...she is wonderful, I already love her SO much...
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
She has the same effect on me too. How fortunate I am, which, of course, she reminds frequently.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented indeed she should...this truly bears re-minding...
Tris Fray Potter Profile

I am amazing.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

With pleasure.

Answer Question
