I am concerned about Ray Dart...his farewell...has he ever done this before? His profile seems to be still in place, and he did not mention when/if he would come back...
Does anyone have any ideas? I hope he has not left forever.


8 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

He's left before and always returned. I don't know what his reasons are though.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

He's done this before a couple of times that I know of. He get's disgusted with people's answers and questions sometimes and just stays away for a while. I've been trying to reach him on Skype but haven't gotten him yet. I know him pretty well and he's from the old blurtit which was quite different from now. He'll be back in time. I plan on having some talks with him.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

I really like his sense of humor 👨,stories and comments.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Given the general panache with which Ray Dart tends to operate, I trust it is no more than a staged exit similar to that found in The Sound of Music as they all go off to bed.

I am sure, and do so heartily hope, that as before, he will return for another encore when he can no longer ignore the applause.

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

In the old Ask.com there were a few folks who for personal reasons had to drop off the edge for periods of time. I remember one guy who only had access to a computer twice a week (he was in prison) . Another fellow worked on an oil rig and was out of touch for weeks at a time. Another was a novice in a nunnery and only had access to a computer when she worked in their office (I don't think she took her final vows). As with most folks I have family and personal issues to handle that do take me away from computers for awhile. Hopefully Ray will return soon.

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Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Ancient One, what was your username on Ask? I certainly did not know about all those folks reading your post is a delight!
Ancient One
Ancient One commented
Those folks on Ask.com were on for brief periods except for the guy in prison. He was on ask for about two years. I managed to keep in touch with them via email for awhile then they sort of vanished. I have always been Ancient One. It was my handle when I was in "short wave"; using a CB; and playing softball.
Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

People come and go on sites like this all the time.  Sometimes, they just need to get back more into their "real lives" and regroup a bit.  I'm sure he'll be back.  We'll sure miss him until he comes back ...

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

I think he just got browned off with some of the silliness. I'm optimistic that he'll be back. I hope so. As I said last time he left, Ray is the elder statesman of Blurtit and it will certainly not be as entertaining or as informative without him.

But you and I both left Ask and returned after a time, Virginia. I hope Ray will do the same. (He's really Blurtit's equivalent to Sasquatch. When she pulled out it was as though the sun had stopped shining.)

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Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Dozy so pleased you have even occasional contact - I think I knew at one time about SASQUATCH name but have forgotten if you would be so good, and inclined to tell the story?
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
She's very tall and, perhaps, big with it. She used to drive a forklift in a factory and one day one of the other women was trying to attract her attention. When she couldn't make her hear over the noise she yelled, "Hey, Sasquatch!" and it stuck.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Oh...I love that, so perfect for her, big and with her wonderful personality.
Perry Nuttal Profile
Perry Nuttal answered

He has been mean and rude to me. He says nasty things to people if he doesn't like their grammar, I think it is uncalled for. He said my question was silly but he once asked "Are women responsible for the congestion on our roads?" I think that is meant to be a silly question, unless he really did mean it.

I just thought that question would be funny and make people laugh because everyone has had an encounter with dog mess, my other questions are sensible. I think he is a drama queen, saying he is leaving and asking everyone if he should leave, its attention seeking. It's ok if he likes you and you are not on the receiving end of his bad manners.

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Ray Dart
Ray Dart commented
I was told about this reply so I am here just to respond. I have always been polite to "Pea Nuts". I have even responded positively to his/her questions. I dealt with some rudeness a while ago. I never publicly trashed him/her in here (unlike him/her). I'm glad I left.
Perry Nuttal
Perry Nuttal commented
Ray I don't feel the need to explain myself, because I know what you said, and so do you. Until that day you had always been polite to me, I haven't said otherwise, but I have noticed that you are rude to others and maybe I was just your "target" that day. Other than that I liked you and enjoyed your answers as it appears many on here did, therefore it's forgotten by me.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Rooster I hope you can show Pea Nuts' new comment to Ray Dart?

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