I pronounce it key-or-ee. Is that correct or close?
I've been quite curious about this... How do you pronounce my username in your head? (: Can you try to type out how you would say it?
Kie- i - re
that's how i pronounced it at the very first time, thought maybe "O" pronouncing with the sound of "A"
I also pronounce it Key-or-ee. I've been curious as to how it actually is pronounced. You'll have to let us know.
Seems like anonequis's answer is the most similar to how I say it! (I say key-oh-ee-reh, REH as in REctangle). It's because if it were in Japanese spelling, I'd probably spell it like such: ki-o-i-re and it'd have the spelling I described. It's a spin off of my real name (which is Kyo).
Ki Or Ee. But that's 'cos I probably never looked too closely at the actual spelling.......
I think its Kee-oy-reh (",)
Interesting that you pronounce it with 4 syllables.
I use the 3 syllable pronunciation Kee-oi-re, with the accent on the second syllable.
For most of us on this site, I suspect we unconsciously treat "oy" as a digraph (a single sound, or phoneme, which is represented by two letters).