I ask and answer many questions but never attack anyone for their answers whether they be right or wrong. I know some that do and I usually have a talk with them about it when I see it going on. We have deleted a few people that have done this on a regular basis even after a couple of warnings. Everyone has the right to answer as they see fit !
Which do you enjoy more😜. Answering questions posted or attacking the person posting the questions?
I don't like attacking people at all. I just prefer to answer and keep my peace. :)
Normally I wouldn't, but since it's you my dear friend--- EN GUARDE!!
I love answering questions, but i never attack people! I have no right to walk into people's privacy and thoughts! Everyone are entitled to their own opinion and we are all different, by thoughts, ideas, philosophy of life and belief, believe and ideology!
But sometimes i feel to share words and discuss the matter that i find necessary for myself to solve the point with myself! Or sometimes solve the matter for someone else as i might see "hey they seeing it wrongly! This is not like that at all, i have to acknowledge them!" however to some these discussion approaches are considered "Attacking" and get offended ! But some never mind and would discuss or they easily express their non-interest to further discussion! But unfortunately i can't never know who gets offended by this and who's not! So i bring my ideas when i see it necessary!
Their is no one to attack
You all seem friendly I'm not gonna attack anyone
I only attack the spammers.
Attacking people is right up there for me with changing a s**t-filled diaper.
I don't seek out such opportunities, but sometimes it is absolutely necessary to prevent the spread of s**t into places it need not go.
I enjoy answering questions and don't relish any opportunity to attack someone unless they are spamming the site. Our admins are usually on top of their game so they are normally gone pretty quickly.