Write a tongue twister and try others given by others?


5 Answers

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

The hardest tongue-twister is reputed to be:

"The sixth sick Sheik's sixth sheep is sick"

Chewed Bubblegum Profile

Well it wasn't necessarily a tongue twister...but in Cosmetology, there's a hair cut called "blunt cut" which is all one length...saying "blunt cut" a million times though makes you wanna pronounce "cut" with an "n" to rhyme with "blunt." It's kinda embarrassing ;D

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

From an old Reader's Digest (somewhat surprisingly).

Three grey geese in the green grass grazing.

Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.

And one I just found on the internet

Sister Shelly says she shall sew sheets

And another I remember:

The big black bug bled black blood.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

She sells sea shells by the sea shore

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

I'm not the pheasant plucker I'm the pheasant plucker's son and I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant plucker comes.

It certainly gave this lady some problems:

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