What happens to unanswered questions on here?


4 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

I'm not really sure what happens to them, however, I do go through them periodically and see if I'm able to answer any, which kicks them back alive again. Someone sees my answer and then would have the opportunity to chime in with their own answer.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

If you go to Topics and choose Unanswered,you'll find long lists of them. As far as I know, you can go past ten pages of them and still find them.

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Great answers above. As for what "happens" to unanswered questions, we do have a mechanism in place now where questions are given 30 days to receive an answer.

If they remain unanswered after this time, they get automatically deleted. This helps us keep the number of questions in check (even an empty question page takes up space on the Blurtit servers).

It also reduces the chance of duplicate questions, and makes it easier to navigate the site and find new questions you want to answer.

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