Oh crap, I hope it's not too serious.
You guys, this isn't a question but my friends and I thought we should tell you... Tyson has landed himself in the hospital and it isn't looking too good.. :'(
I'm sorry to hear that. Thoughts and prayers his way.
Is he going to be okay..? I'd ask what happened but that would be overstepping, so I'm just going to leave it at of he's okay or not. I hope he is...
Sending all my good vibes to Tyson. I hope he gets well soon
So sorry to hear Roy, please send our best wishes and keep us posted.
I hope Ty is okay. You and your friends can keep us posted, all in your time tho..
Sending lots of love and support to all of you and Tyson! We're thinking of you
My healing thoughts are with him. My support and loving thoughts for you all. Thank you for letting us know.
Nothing seriously wrong I hope! My thoughts and prayers are with him and the family!
Hopefully, he will get some help, if he's open to it. Tell him all of his Blurtit friends want only the best - we want him back safe and sound and healthy. Let us know if there is anything that we can do. All he has to do is reach out.
I hope he feels better soon!
I am so sorry to read this. I hope he gets all the help he needs and recovers. If you can let him know we are pulling and praying for him.
Please let him know that we are pulling for him! I'll say a prayer for him and all that are helping him through this. Everyday is a new chance for a new beginning.
Thank you for letting us know. Please pass along our prayers and wishes that he will be restored.
Keep us informed, good thoughts headed your way.
Tyson is doing a bit better now, if you haven't heard.. I'm hoping he'll continue to recover. It's not certain and something could go wrong, I won't lie to you.