Can you take away the anonymous button forever? That would be wonderful!


4 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

What people don't realize is that it would take almost a major overhaul to remove Anonymous from the long time system. It's much harder than it sounds. I'm 50/50 with the Anonymous and many hide behind it but many use it fairly and ask things they don't want others that know them to know about it. So it has it's goods and bad's.

Roy Lovett Profile
Roy Lovett answered

I don't mind it sometimes, it's just when people abuse the power of anon.

Zayne Lovett Profile
Zayne Lovett answered

I haven't been on here long enough to find it annoying. My brother would talk about this site but he never mentioned anything about it.

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