I'm an admin. Here Otis. You are more than welcome to your opinion of the site, however, most things here remain posted that are readily removed on other sites. Things are removed here for blatant disrespect of others, cursing, arguing, items promoting drug use, spam and that type of thing. Sometimes....and I'm guilty of this, when the page re-loads and jumps, it leaves the admins to inadvertently click a "remove" button. For grammatical issues, we try and assist the poster with the correct spelling and grammar as English is often a second language for many users.
Wow it seems alot of my answers even legit ones are being zapped here. This is truely worst than Ask.com . No freedom of speech. Who is the moderators here?
Let's make something that's misunderstood very clear. "Freedom of Speech", as a phrase, is only meaningful when its used in the context of government. Some private entity censoring its content has NOTHING to do with freedom of speech