It says I have 12 notifications but I only have 2 notifications available... Why is this happening?


2 Answers

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

This is a known glitch. Lots of people have this problem but I think it's being looked at so hopefully it will be resolved soon. You should consider yourself lucky, though; mine are stuck at 356...

4 People thanked the writer.
Chewed Bubblegum
Chewed Bubblegum commented
Oh wow, well I have to go through "Mine" questions to look if people followed me/answered a question of's annoying!!
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
I'm stuck at 210 ! LOL
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Mine stuck at 3 for a while, then 9, now 11. I'll join you on 210 shortly, Rooster. Or course, by then you'll probably be well on the way to 1000. :)

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