Does it actually matter as you best enjoy it, as the day will come when people will know the truth and your driver license never gets asked for anymore. The truth is that you are whatever age you are no matter what others think or say unless you're having a super bad day and then a nice compliment goes a long way.
People mistake me for being much younger. They say I will get used to it and enjoy it when I'm older, but I feel like I'm already older, and it's getting downright embarrassing. The last guy who talked to me at a bar (who I really wanted to make an impression on) said I looked 12. *face palm*
Yes. Even though I'm in my mid-twenties and have a full beard people still think I'm a hairy 16 year old. Every time I buy alcohol people stare at me with suspicion.
Yes, when I was twelve, people used to think I was fifteen, and that made me feel cool cause I was considered older. Now that I am fifteen, they think I'm much younger, and I appreciate it.
Rachel, when you get to my age nobody makes any assumptions at all. They just grab me by the arm and guide me to a chair before I fall over. :(