Sorry but an average loss of 1-2 pounds a week is the healthiest way to lose weight. There is no "fast" way to lose weight...
Tips to lose weight with healthy fats!
Do you want to lose weight? Then go for a healthy and varied diet with fresh products. Replace unhealthy, saturated fats with unsaturated variants. They give you full feeling, provide energy and are good for heart and blood vessels. Added some tips:
- Choose extra virgin olive oil. Use it preferably cold and in salads. Step for baking and roasting on, for example, organic butter from grass-fed cows. Or choose ghee. This is clarified butter and no longer contains salt, proteins and moisture.
- Put oily fish on your menu twice a week. For example, choose salmon that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. In any case, good for your cholesterol plus heart and blood vessels. But, it also inhibits inflammation, is good for your resistance and has a beneficial effect on the brain.
- Eat an avocado more often. Like fatty fish, an avocado also contains healthy fats, such as omega 3. The fruit gives you a feeling of fullness and is good for your blood sugar.
- Take nuts and seeds as a snack. Because, this is also a good omega 3 supplier. Furthermore, there are fibers and proteins.
- Avoid further stress, because that just stimulates your appetite for those unhealthy fats. You prefer to exercise. That combats stress and helps you lose weight.
- Delete ready-to-eat cookies, pastries and the like. Prepare yourself in a healthy way now and then.
- And finally: Let junk food stand!
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