My notifications are stuck at 352 and won't go away even if I refresh the page. I tried logging out and back in again, but it's still there. How can I get rid of it?


3 Answers

Nice Girl Profile
Nice Girl answered

Wow! So many notifications! I've never had this many... Never!

I guess it's just a sometime problem.... Don't open your account for some days and I guess everything will be ok!

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View all 4 Comments
Nice Girl
Nice Girl commented
Lol! Wow! U guys get so many notifs! I don't! Well I hope the work is over soon and Taylor has no more probs!
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
I'm stuck on 92 now. Still haven't heard back about a fix. Oh well.
Nice Girl
Nice Girl commented
I'm all good! It's working awesome for me!
Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

This problem with the notifications has been going on for months now. There's a bad glitch in the system. I've been stuck at 85 for a few months now and nothing we can do will work. I'll contact Kass about it again and see if and when it can be fixed. Please have patience.

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Taylor Brookes
Taylor Brookes commented
I was waiting for some new questions, but none seemed to be coming through, so I refreshed the page and suddenly had 11 notifications. I decided to go back and check them later, but I happened to refresh the page again, and it went up to 21. Because I'm me, I refreshed it again to see if it would go up even more (which it did). It finally got up to 352, and I thought I should probably look at the original 11 (which were never actually there). And of course now it's stuck. That'll teach me. But, at least I'm not the only one :)
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
No Taylor, you're not alone at all. I just contacted them again about this problem and I'll let you know what they tell me. There was a young girl on here a few months and she treated Blurtit like Facebook and literally blew up the notification system. Hopefully they find a fix soon. :)

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