Blurtit is a great community Q&A site.
They say that a website
is only as good as the people who visit the site, and how well they use the services it offers. This is probably true of Blurtit.
As a question and answer website, Blurtit relies on people to both ask questions and answer the questions posted by others. If Blurtit only received nonsense questions or spam, or answered questions in an unfriendly way, then obviously Blurtit wouldn't be much fun to use and certainly wouldn't be helpful to visitors who come to the site with personal problems.
From what I've seen, although there can be people who use Blurtit just to use to promote their own website and product, most people use the site when they need help, or to try and help each other if they can.
I would say this is one of my favourite things about Blurtit - the sense of community and the amount of help on offer.
If you're still wondering, there's only one way to find out for yourself - dive in and ask a few questions, or answer a few yourself! If you're feeling shy, you can always ask questions anonymously. This very special YouTube film shows you how: