Bug reporting is a vital part of this beta stage, and we're lucky to have some really helpful and dedicated users on board - helping us perfect our site.
There are three main ways you can report an issue you think needs attending to by our superstar developer team:
- Use the User-voice Feedback button located on the right hand-side of your screen.
This will give you the option to either "contact support" or "give feedback" - which ever you see more appropriate.
We monitor our user feedback throughout the day, so this is a sure-fire way to get your ideas, concerns, or recommendations across quickly.
- Message a community manager
We genuinely love receiving feedback, so don't think twice about dropping us a message on Blurtit.
To message us, we'll need to be following each other first (and we always follow back).
- Send us an email!
If you've got a growing list of bugs and feedback that you'd prefer to send via email, you can always get hold of us at:
- kass@blurtit.com
- dan@blurtit.com
You don't even need to have a bug to report, you can email us about pretty much anything!
We really appreciate everyone that's taking their time to use our site, report bugs, answer questions, or even just snoop around... So anything that we can do to make things easier or better for you is no problem at all!