I like this picture you look pretty! :]]]
It really is up to you and what you want. People aren't really going to judge you for your avatar that much here. People like you for who you are, not your avatar. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
This is totally about what you like. You are a very attractive young lady. Sometimes this will draw some inappropriate male attention. However you look like you are pretty sharp, and there are lots of people here to help if that happens. I change my avatar almost daily, and am known for my 'P's and my pencils, as well as my picture board displays. I like to play with the pictures so for me, I like the change, others are more comfortable with one. This one of you is very nice, and distinct like you said, so it is truly your decision.
Is this you? Very nice picture. Keep it if you like, but it is your choice... I change mine every few weeks.
I think you should keep it this way.you no what happens when you start Changing things. You cant get anything right after words. To work right.
Take care
Take care
That is completely up to you, you are in control :+)
It is totally up to you.
I love your avatar I think you should keep it!
Keep it, it looks good for you.