Why Is It That When You Give An Answer You Get Points But When You Ask A Question (that Gets Approved) You Get Nothing?


3 Answers

Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
This is because it's the way that it is set up. You don't get points for asking, because you are trying to find something out, but, when you answer as a member of the site, you are helping someone, and you are participating in what this site is all about. Hope this helps, happy blurting.
Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
That is the way the creator of Blurtit designed it. Giving points to users who ask inane, insipid, ridiculous, misspelled, half-asked, malicious, and deceivingly detrimental questions, would be counter-productive.
thanked the writer.
dnh 107
dnh 107 commented
This is true, but don't people who give "inane, insipid, ridiculous, misspelled, half-asked, malicious, and deceivingly detrimental" answers get points/negative feedback?
Michael John Profile
Michael John answered
Because you get points for helping people. Answering questions helps people, so they give you points. Asking questions, however, doesn't do you much

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