
When Should I Mark A Contribution As: Been Copied (plagiarism)?


1 Answers

Jennifer Bone Profile
Jennifer Bone answered
It is not acceptable to post an answer that is entirely someone else’s words. It is fine to research an answer, but proper research means using several sources (not just one) and putting all the information together by re-writing or re-wording.

If you find an answer that has been copied entirely from another source you should moderate it and mark it as: Been Copied (plagiarism).
thanked the writer.
Kathryn (Kathy) Hansen
From Webster's New World College Dictionary the definition of the word "plagiarize" is: "to take (ideas, writings, etc.) from (another) and pass them off as one's own." Therefore it is all right to copy an answer as long as you make it clear where you got it from. Especially on this site, many people are looking for an answer that might not need to be long or researched. Looking something up in a dictionary or encyclopedia or even online is fine if quoted, or the URL named.

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