Anonymous asked 8/21/2017 Evaluate and discuss the negative impact of youth risk behaviour on yourself and other?
Call me Z asked 8/16/2017 Knowing what you do about Nazi's, Nazi Germany, WW2, the Holocaust, etc., what do you feel about angry people marching under the swastika in America?
Anonymous asked 8/5/2017 I just need a list of countries which unconditionally supper Israel at the UN?
Roy Roy asked 7/28/2017 Do you support Sen. John McCain’s vote against the ‘skinny’ Obamacare repeal?
PJ Stein asked 7/25/2017 Last week 4 teens watched a disabled man swim into the middle of a lake and the yelled for help. They laughed and took a video while the man drowned. They put it on Facebook. What do you think should happen to the teens?
Moooaoa Jiaou asked 7/25/2017 What are some political jobs that enable us to help improve social issues around the world?
Anonymous asked 7/13/2017 My father licked my vagina when I was young, about 5 years old. My mother knew about it but didn't do anything. Was I molested by my father?
Otis Campbell asked 7/4/2017 I want to thank skip and echooos for july4 cards i appreciate them . even the glitter bomb thank u?
PJ Stein asked 7/4/2017 In honor of Independence Day, I have a couple of Declaration of Independence questions. Who was the oldest person to sign? And who was the youngest?
Yin And Yang asked 6/12/2017 Jr.'s birthday is tomorrow. He will be three. He was almost born at my daughters high school graduation! LOL! Did you ever have a close call and almost not make it to the hospital?
Call me Z asked 6/10/2017 Studies are concluding that the Earth is in the midst of a sixth mass extinction, mostly at the hands of human progress. So then, where do the rights of humans to go forth and prosper overstep the boundary of what is right ecologically?