Joseph Michael Wasik asked 10/18/2011 When a country recognizes that it is in decline, then we can have a rational dialogue. Denial does not count. Are most of our national as well as our state leaders in denial?
Maxine Chan asked 9/21/2011 Why do people fail again and again and never manage to correct their mistakes? What do they do if they can not change who they are and what they do?
Marie Brossette asked 7/17/2011 Which operations management technique has as its goal to design the machine-worker interface so as to increase production efficiency?
Marie Brossette asked 7/17/2011 The number of subordinates who report directly to a manager is known as what aspect of that manager's responsibility?
Michael asked 6/21/2011 How does a computerized point of sales system make service easier and faster?
naomi merrifield asked 6/19/2011 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using customer relationship management?
foday Dumbuya asked 6/14/2011 Leadership is situational.explain this statement by bringing out the situational factors important for effective leadership?
Michael asked 6/6/2011 Why is sidework an important part of providing good customer service? Culinary Arts Restaurants