Beatrice Penthar
Beatrice Penthar answered


Hack with comfort and get your job done systematically without a bridge

of security alert.

It’s frustrating not getting the value of your money on services paid for. If you are in need of safe exploit in hacking,

make the right decision of using  [email protected], and keep

tab on any … Read more

Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Erica Gray's question

Sex pleasure and food pleasure travel the same neural pathways.

If the food is really good, you will usually want second helpings at the one meal.

Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun answered Erica Gray's question

According to you, he knows your body really well.
I'm guessing that means he brings you to (the big O).

If not, then he really does NOT know your body well.
And what you are wanting is to be able to (the big O) and "finish what you started."

If he does bring you to (the big O) ... … Read more

stan joe
stan joe answered Anonymous' question

Practicing specific exercises that improve ejaculatory control. Kegel, for example, is one of the best known exercises that help to strengthen the PC muscles in your pelvis region. Once these "love muscles" are strengthened, you can stop an approaching ending either by contracting these muscles or simply keeping them relaxed.

For More information you can visit … Read more

Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren answered Anonymous' question

If you cannot communicate the actual act and understand what that act entails, you are either too young to be trying it or talking about it, or too dumb (I'm sorry . . . Naïve) to be doing it at all . . . Lets not multiply your genetic matter please . . .

Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang answered Anonymous' question

There is so much deception in this question! Either you are being deceptive to you best friend (girl gossip) or your being deceptive to your current Beau and your trying to either sound more grown up then what you are (yes I've had s3x) OR sound less skanky (no I have never been with anyone. … Read more

Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Justine Kline's question's easy for critics and skeptics to argue that the Bible has nothing to say about pre-marital sex. That's because they're usually looking for negative statements. They want a "condemnation" or a "thou shalt not." But the Bible expresses its perspective primarily in positive terms.

And I've also heard it expressed that we should be moreRead more

star gazing
star gazing answered Dre Wright's question

This was posted in 2013, so he’s 16 now and I hope he didn’t go through with it.


You probably feel that your boyfriend really loves you, and maybe you really love him. And you might also feel like, seeing everything on TV and in romance stories, that sex is the official seal of a … Read more

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered Dre Wright's question

Well...of course you are scared and you should be. Your bf should even be more afraid. Him getting caught having sex with you can get him arrested and ending up on a sexual predator list. You are entirely too young to be making such a decision. Not to mention the risks.  There are STDs. If … Read more