Nina Nina asked 8/10/2016 What are you looking forward to in the next week, month, year, and lifetime?
Nina Nina asked 8/8/2016 What's the most unpleasant place that you are forced to go to on a regular basis?
Arch Bishop asked 8/7/2016 If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be? Why?
Cookie Roma asked 8/5/2016 For those of us, say over 50, do you have anything weird on your bucket list?
Anonymous asked 8/4/2016 How do i respond to someone who is always talking about how rich they are? It's annoying.
Anonymous asked 7/22/2016 How Do You Accept Direction And, At The Same Time, Maintain A Critical Stance Regarding Your Ideas And Values?
Arch Bishop asked 7/20/2016 If you could tell your 21 year old self one thing, what would it be and why?
Roy Roy asked 7/16/2016 Do you prefer to teach yourself things, or would you rather have an instructor?