Perry Nuttal asked 8/24/2016 Why do we call priests and the Pope father, when in the bible it says not to call anyone on earth Father? Matt 23:9 I called my dad, Father would this being going against Gods word?
Annabelle Porter asked 8/22/2016 Why do different people have better lives, better looks and more money than other people? Didn't God want us all to be equal in happiness...why do some people have it easier?
Anonymous asked 8/17/2016 Christianity and Judaism believe the sacred goes beyond human existence, making them religions of __________?
Perry Nuttal asked 7/23/2016 Why did the God of the Israelites choose circumcision as a sign of his covenant? Has it anything to do with phallic worship?
Ty Hibb asked 7/22/2016 What steps need to be taken to become a Christian? So many people say that they are a Christian or are accused of being one, which raises the question.
Perry Nuttal asked 7/12/2016 What did buddha mean by emptiness? Wouldn't no self lead to depression? Aren't we taught to support self?