Anonymous asked 3/23/2023 How do I find out more about animal conservation in places like Africa and Asia?
Anonymous asked 11/1/2017 Do male cats actually urinate everywhere/ "spray"? I want to get a cat, but I'm not sure because I heard somewhere that they do that to apparently mark their territory. Is it true?
John Kaminski asked 10/5/2017 What type of dogs have a fluffy butt? Can you name the meduim to large dog breeds to me that have them
Yin And Yang asked 9/22/2017 I am too much of a city girl! I have a wild animal question? (Details in answer)
Karen aka Bailey's Mom asked 8/29/2017 If you could bring one mythical creature to life, which one would it be?
Anonymous asked 6/9/2017 Why did snails die? I got some snails from outside and took them home and was going to make them an aquarium later their antenna arent sticking out and the edge of the shell feels thin. I feel terrible because i should have let these animals be
Mettaton EX asked 5/25/2017 Is there a way to raise a stray baby bunny? Long story short, some kids got their hands on a bunny, the mother is god knows where, and if it IS still there, I fear it will reject the bunny due to it being touched by humans, and something ELSE will kill it. I also fear it will die of fright. It doesn't bite, and it's perfectly healthy as far as we know. But since it doesn't have a mother, would anyone happen to know how to take care of it and what to feed it? Thank you all in advance.
Anonymous asked 5/4/2017 My sister is afraid of cats but didn’t tell us until we adopted one Do We return the cat or do we keep the cat for a bit and hope she will get used to it I really want to keep the cat and everyone else in my family wants to keep it?