Anonymous asked 7/8/2015 If the title is signed over to a person and the insurance has been cancelled on the vehicle but the person continues to drive it without taking off the tags and putting new ones on in their name and adding their insurance to it, what can I do?
N. Harmonik asked 7/8/2015 Why do some people state that rules are meant to be broken but are appalled when the law is?
Darling Divaa asked 6/18/2015 In light of the recent tragedy with nine people being shot and killed in a Charleston South Carolina church do we need even tougher gun laws?
Anonymous asked 4/26/2015 In Missouri is it legal for a nursing home facility to fire an employee if they have cigarette smoke on their person? If yes please explain. If no and they say that they are fired what can/should the employee do?
Christine Shield asked 1/20/2015 Can a landlord charge me, via my pet deposit, to change the locks when the key has been lost?
Rob Monk asked 11/20/2014 My drivers license is suspended indefintely upon review in Michigan. Can I get a drivers license in Las Vegas?
Anonymous asked 11/16/2014 How do I write a letter to a judge explaining the guilt of my client but requesting lieniency?
Anonymous asked 4/5/2014 If am a paralegal and work at law firm, then overhear someone talking about how they were hurt in and accident would it be unethical to tell someone in the law firm about that person - as in recommending them as a client?