Kayla Spencer asked 9/9/2014 I am 225 lbs. I am 13 years old. My goal is to be 125 pounds before high school starts September 2, 2015. Does anyone know how I can lose that weight fast? Maybe even before my birthday which is in February?
Anonymous asked 9/5/2014 Anyone know good exercises for losing weight fast? I need to lose 15-20 lbs.
Nick Bracecourt Fame asked 8/20/2014 Is doing more than half hour of cardiovascular training for fat reduction effective? Why or why not?
Anonymous asked 7/29/2014 18 Year old Male, 132 pound, 5'8 with 16.9 body fat percentage but still have a fat belly?
Hannah Kennedy asked 7/25/2014 Why can't I lose weight? I don't eat a lot and I exercise a little. I really need to have a good body for September... Any tips? When I said I don't eat a lot I meant I don't snack, just have my 3 square meals a day :P I'm not anorexic.
Anonymous asked 7/19/2014 How to gain weight? Should I exercise and is there a specific workout to gain weight?
Anonymous asked 7/18/2014 How can I eliminate belly fat FAST and get a flat stomach? I haven't got much fat there but I would like to lose it. What foods can I eat that help? And do I need to lose the fat first, THEN start exercising? Please give me a plan, thank you
Anonymous asked 7/18/2014 What easy yet effective exercises can I do to tone my thighs, butt and get a flat belly?
Anonymous asked 7/16/2014 I follow a workout routine and it makes me do different exercises: bench press 5 sets of 8, incline bench 5 sets of 8. Do I do all the sets of the first exercise before moving on the the next or do a set of one then the next until all reps are completed?
Anonymous asked 7/1/2014 How do I get myself to stay active on really slow days ? I always plan to do things but never actually do em. And it only happens when days are slow. Is there away I can break that habit ? Thanks !
Anonymous asked 6/2/2014 Does anyone know how i can lose 100 pounds in 2 months? I have never been over weight in my life, but over the past 2 years I have gained 120 pounds . I really want to lose the weight for myself and my children
Anonymous asked 2/27/2014 What is a quick and effective ways to lose weight and get a slimmer and healthier looking body?