Anonymous asked 8/23/2016 Our 2 yr old aussie shep mix all of a sudden is scared to leave the house. We suspect that perhaps she was shocked by the invisible fence after not having her collar on for a while. Not even bones, walks or anything can bribe her! Any ideas?
Anonymous asked 8/22/2016 I have a 4 year old black lab who wakes herself up hyperventilating almost on a daily basis?
Aquamarine Alzareth asked 8/19/2016 Why my dog look so sad?We went to vacation for four days and he stayed at my grandmas house.My grandma spoils her dog so she did it to my dog.But when we arrived and got our dog back he seems sad and doesn't seem excited as he usually is when we come
Anonymous asked 8/11/2016 Can a female dog in heat cause a male dog to become physically ill. Not eating, drinking, throwing up, diahrea?
lisa donnison asked 8/9/2016 my dog is 65 days pregnant today and nothing seems to be happening is this normal?
Anonymous asked 7/27/2016 What are some things a soon to be pet owner should aquire before bringing in the new family memeber? And what is a good way to lessen vet expenses? (medium sized pomeranian mix, 6 years old)
Anonymous asked 7/21/2016 One of my dogs have black spots on their gums and I read that it's a bad thing. But there isn't a vet around us that is easily accessible. Is there anything I can do or buy to help my dog get better?
Janmi Oh asked 7/21/2016 Myold dog has swollen area in neck, stomach and legs. He vomit last week he ate his food very normal, he doesn't vomit anymore but he always lay down. Yesterday, while he was lying something watery in his butt or genital area. what could this be?
sky Good asked 7/15/2016 Ok so I'm Puppysitting my MILs new puppy during days. (don't know why she even got the dog if she isn't able to take care of it) but this dog screams when left anywhere alone for a few minutes?
Rissa Mac asked 7/15/2016 Can I give my dog mylanta? He's thrown up a couple times, acting kinda funny won't eat, throw up was really acidic. Is this ok? I was thinking 1tsp, I know it depends on weight, he's about 12lbs
Anonymous asked 7/14/2016 My dog can't stand up and is shaking a lot and panting what can we give her?
Anonymous asked 7/10/2016 My neighbor's dog is always crying and when i go over to see, the dog is practically showings its bones from not eating. I'm scared they also hit the dog. What should I do, I don't want to just ignore it?
Anonymous asked 7/10/2016 My toy poddle gave birth, but the puppies ended up dying after a few week. Now she walks around with a sock and cries, pretending the sock is her puppy. I don't know what to do?
Anonymous asked 7/5/2016 When I brought my Female Syrian Hamster she was already quite chubby, I decided to Breed her. It been 15 days since and I can't tell anything due to her size. Can anyone help?
Rooster Cogburn asked 6/30/2016 How does your dog do with the fireworks on Fourth of July ? I have to give mine a sedative.
Chrisww Master asked 6/30/2016 I live in NC I was wondering If a dog were to bite someone that was over our fence and kill them would he have to be put down?
otis campbell asked 6/24/2016 its national take your dog to work day and international fairy day so do you beleive in fairies?
sky Good asked 6/23/2016 Have one surviving newborn puppy. The mama even died soon after giving birth. This puppy will go into a corner of his box nose first and seem to try and push and push out through the corner and will do this for several minutes after he's fed. Why?
Anonymous asked 6/20/2016 Okie so whenever I squeeze my dogs nipple...white stuff starts coming looks like milk, but she isn't pregnant! There aren't any male dogs around that would make her's also coming out all of her nipples?